There are all these “rules” about handling raw meat. What is really important in your kitchen for food safety? It’s not as hard or scary as you might have heard.
How to Handle Raw Meat
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I’ve had a number of readers ask for some details on how to handle raw meat. Food safety is important. And we talk about it a lot here at My Fearless Kitchen. But you don’t need to be afraid of food safety, or that you’ll do something “wrong,” or of handling raw meat. All it takes is a little bit of common sense and some preparation.
There are four basic things to keep in mind when you’re handling raw meat – clean, separate, cook, and chill. We’ll get into them all in more detail below.
Start with clean hands, clean counters, and clean cutting boards and utensils. Yes, washing your hands is important – before you get started cooking, after you handle raw meat, and when you’re done cooking. I use dish soap to wash my hands a lot, but it can make my hands really dry. So I try to keep a bottle of hand soap next to my kitchen sink and use that instead… when I remember.
You do not need to rinse off any meat before cooking it. Rinsing raw meat under running water can actually spread bacteria in tiny drops of water all over your sink, counters, and even your hands, arms, and clothes.
What Should You Do With Utensils After Handling Raw Meat?
You’ll also want to make sure you clean up when you’re finished cooking. Any cutting boards, knives, plates, or anything else that touched raw meat should be washed in hot soapy water or the dishwasher. Wipe down the countertops with an all-purpose cleaner and paper towels. (If you use cloth towels, they need to be washed after you used them for counter cleaning. Wash them in hot water.)
You don’t need to bleach down your entire kitchen every time you cook dinner. Just use some common sense and clean habits. A good general rule to follow is that if it touched raw meat, it needs to be washed before it can touch any other food.
You’ve heard this before. You need to keep raw meats separate from other ingredients, especially ingredients you won’t be cooking (like salads).
Wash your hands before and after you handle the raw meat.
Use a separate cutting board and knife for raw meats and other ingredients.
Use different plates and utensils for raw meats and cooked meats.
Can Raw Beef Touch Raw Chicken?
Yes, raw meats can touch each other because you’ll be cooking them thoroughly before you eat them. The concern is when raw meat (any kind) touches other foods that won’t be cooked, like fruits or vegetables. Then you could possibly transfer bacteria from the raw meat to the food that won’t be cooked. Cooking the raw meat will kill any bacteria that might be on it. But if a raw steak touches some tomatoes, any bacteria that were transferred from the steak to the tomatoes could be eaten, and might make you sick.
Seem like a no-brainer? The biggest part of food safety is making sure your food is cooked all the way through. Different meats have different minimum internal cooking temperatures. This post has everything you need to know about those cooking temperatures. And visit this post to get a refresher on how to use a meat thermometer.
Before cooking, make sure that you’re storing your meats properly.
How Should Raw Meat Be Stored?
Raw meat should be frozen or refrigerated. Your refrigerator should be set to below 40 degrees F. When you’re thawing or marinating meat to use later, be sure to keep it nice and cold in the refrigerator, not at room temperature on the counter. Here are some tips on thawing specific types of meats:
Can I Put Hot Food Away in the Refrigerator?
Yes, you can put hot food away in the refrigerator. It’s best to put food away as soon as you’re done with it. I know it’s tempting to kick back and relax after dinner is over, and come back later to clean up the kitchen. But before you leave the kitchen for the evening, make sure your leftovers are put away.
Leftovers should always be put away as soon as possible after dinner (and after everyone has had seconds). Food should not be left out of the refrigerator for longer than 2 hours. (The less time it sits out at room temperature, the better.)
Free Printable for Is It Done Yet?
Not sure if that meat is fully cooked yet, or if dinner is actually ready? Grab your free printable cheat sheet here and never wonder again!
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