Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m so excited that you are here, and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
Who Am I?
I am Marybeth Feutz. (Believe it or not, that last name is pronounced “fights.” Go figure.) I am a veterinarian with a specialty in Large Animal Internal Medicine. I grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey, and didn’t have much exposure to farming or how food was raised. After I finished my advanced veterinary training, I married John and he moved me to southern Indiana. We live in his hometown, 10 minutes from where he grew up.
Now I live on a farm, practically in the middle of nowhere, with cows in my backyard! (Seriously, I can see them out of my bedroom window!)
As I got more involved in the farming lifestyle, I started to have more and more questions about what we were doing and why. I just wanted to understand more of what was going on in our family business and at our home. I knew that since I was having these questions, that so many other people must also have these questions!
What Do I Do?
So I started blogging. I started in 2010 at Alarm Clock Wars sharing stories of my new life on the farm and recipes. As I got to know more and more people online and hear more and more questions about food and farming, I knew I had to use my veterinary degree and my newfound farm knowledge and connections to do more to help. I started AgriCultured in 2012 and used that blog as a place to dig deeper into food and farming questions that I had myself and that I heard everywhere I went.
The deeper I got into blogging, the more I realized that you have a wide variety of questions. You want to know if hormones in meat and milk are safe for your kids. You want to know what to make for dinner tonight. You want to know how to pick and choose from all the food labels at the grocery store. And you want to know some basic kitchen techniques that you might have forgotten from high school home ec classes.
There are lots of things that are trying to make you afraid of food and your food choices. And it can be scary! Marketers are using more buzzwords. Food labels are popping up that may or may not mean anything. New “diet plans” crop up all the time that say you should avoid this or only eat that. It’s overwhelming, and it can be paralyzing. when you don’t know what to do with all that information, how can you be sure that your decision – about what to feed your family – is the right one?
That’s why I started My Fearless Kitchen. Everything from Alarm Clock Wars and AgriCultured now lives at My Fearless Kitchen. (If you notice a mix of logos around here, this is why.)
I want to help. I’m working every day to bring you quick tips and easy recipes to chase the fear out of your kitchen.
So grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice), pull up a comfy chair, and dig in!
What To Expect
You’ll find a combination of things on My Fearless Kitchen. The biggest part, by far, is recipes. Check out some of my favorites below, and browse the “Recipes” category on the menu bar for even more options. I focus on simple, family-friendly recipes. But you’ll find a few more “complicated” ones thrown in here every once in a while. It’s fun to experiment with food!
You will also find some kitchen tips – some basic how-to techniques, plus tips on storing food, thawing turkeys, and all kinds of other things. You’ll find some popular tips below, and even more in the “Kitchen Tips” section on the menu bar.
Have trouble at the grocery store? You’ll find some things to help you there, too. There are a few posts below, and browse the “Grocery Store Tips” section on the menu bar.
Do you just wonder in general about farming and food? Yep, me too. Even though I have a background in veterinary science, there was a lot about the every day job of raising farm animals, and even more about raising crops, that I didn’t know. You’ll find answers to some of your questions in the “About Food & Farming” category on the menu bar, and a few popular posts to get you started below.
Start Here
Here are some posts that I think you’ll really love. Give these a read, click the magnifying glass in the menu to look for even more. If you have a question that I haven’t answered yet, send me an email here.
Slow Cooker Blueberry French Toast
Kitchen Tips
How Long to Keep Foods in the Refrigerator
Grocery Store Tips
Is There Too Much Sugar in Flavored Milk?
Why is Ground Beef Brown in the Middle?
How to Get Kids to Eat More Vegetables
About Food & Farming
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Do you want to connect even more? You can find me online here:
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