Last weekend, District 9 of the Indiana Farm Bureau held a spring meeting at Family Roots Nursery in Dale, IN. It was a chilly, rainy day, but we had a blast inside the greenhouse!
Aaron and Andrea Peters, the owners, took care of most of the details for the day, and we all had a blast! Because we couldn’t really do much outside, they cleared a large area in the middle of the greenhouse, and we were able to have all our sessions and even lunch inside! What a neat atmosphere!
We got a behind-the-scenes tour of how their operation works.
We learned about their irrigation and fertilizer systems.
And talked about where their plants come from (most are started on their farm in Illinois, and then shipped to the greenhouse in Indiana when they are close to ready for sale).
Aaron told us about the types of plants that Thomas and Abraham Lincoln planted in their gardens and on their farms. Lots of the plants and crops we use today can be traced back to that farm!
(He gets a little passionate about that subject.)
Andrea told us about container gardening.
And she made it look so easy! She even convinced me to bring home things for a container herb garden of my own. And, of course, I played with my new camera.
There was so much inspiration, it was hard to keep my hands off the shutter!
It made me ready for spring!!
Look! A pineapple! (Did you know that in this climate it takes almost six years for a single fruit to grow to maturity? No wonder we don’t grow pineapples in Indiana! And see, I learned something on this trip, too!)I really wish I had a green thumb… Maybe my flower gardens will magically look pretty this year? Or maybe I’ll head back to Family Roots Nursery for one of their free Saturday seminars to get help…
Yes, that’s probably smarter than waiting on magic.BTW, all these photos are straight out of the camera (SOOC). Have I mentioned that I am in love?
It was a fun day and I was proud of Ciara for being so good (til after lunch, then she was just antsy). If you have any photos with her in them, would you mind to send them my way?? Thanks for making it a great day!
How cool!! I am totally ready for spring!!
How fun! You have given me an idea to pass along to my District 3 peeps! What kind of camera did you get? Love your pics. It’s so nice to see color. If I haven’t already mentioned it, I so need to start seeing colors around here! (besides gray-green, gray-brown, gray, and brown!
What a great idea for a District Meeting! I love all the great pictures.
Carla – I’ll see if I have any of Ciara, but don’t think she is featured in many. Glad you had a good time. Ciara was very well behaved! 🙂
Liz – I am very ready, as well!
Lana – It’s a Nikon D3100. So loving it!
Aleta and Lana – We had a great Farm Bureau day! I would definitely suggest a similar program!