I finally caved.
I originally had no interest in the Twilight books. I had heard that they were supernatural romance novels for tweens. So I was not interested. I love the supernatural aspect, just wasn’t interested in the tween romance novel angle.
And then.
When I was visiting my parents, my mom talked me into watching the first Twilight movie with her.
And I was hooked.
We watched Eclipse and New Moon over the next two nights.
And I needed to find the books.
I flew home the day after we watched the third movie. I looked in five bookstores in two airports to find Twilight (the book).
For the last few years, I have seen that book everywhere I turned. Now that I was finally looking for it, it took forever to find! I finally tracked it down in a mini-Borders at the Baltimore airport.
I blew through Twilight, and had to get my hands on the other three novels. Lucky for me, our friendly neighborhood Walmart had them. So I bought them. And I spent the next three days reading them. I started Twilight on Tuesday, read Eclipse over Wednesday and Thursday, blew through New Moon and the first half of Breaking Dawn on Thursday, and finished Breaking Dawn on Friday morning. Then I read Midnight Sun. (Unfinished manuscript, part of Twilight from Edward’s point of view.)
Seriously. Hooked.
I can not believe how addicted I got to these books in such a short time. I couldn’t do anything else for four days! It was ridiculous. Hubby Doc is glad I am finished reading them. He wanted clean laundry. And dinner. Needy.
There is someone who was thrilled I finally took the plunge. Dani Do It has been waiting for me to jump into these books for a long time. I may have to head out to Massachusetts for her movie premiere party when Breaking Dawn, Part 1 is released! (I hear she throws great parties!)
And now… Back to real life.
Thank you, Stephenie, I had a blast!
Sounds like Dani might be busy having a baby, like tomorrow???? I did the same thing with The Hunger Games, but I haven’t been “bit” bu the Twilight series yet. Glad you found something that made you want to read more!
Lana – Dani had her baby last night, Zoe Italia. Dani and Zoe are happy and doing well!
I’m so glad you finally took the plunge!! They really hook you. I think I read all 4 in less then a week. I <3 Jacob!!! Oh and tell Dani Congrats!!!
Mrs. Farmer! Been missing you! Good to see you again! I will be sure to pass your message to Dani. 🙂
haha glad you liked them, now off to the Host (also by stephanie) i loved it!!! and i agree with lana, the hunger games were even more addicting then the twilight series!
Thanks and have fun!
Oooh, if I ever have free time again, I’ll have to try the Hunger Games. 🙂
And yes, I am a totally addicted Twilight fan. Not only do I have books, I have action figures and posters…and it gets a little ridiculous. 🙂
And it would be so cool if you made it to one of my parties! 🙂