I thought I was going to be able to blog from the plane.
I got on the plane, and it is a Wi-Fi Hot Spot! Yay!
I was so excited… I haven’t blogged in forever. And I miss it. And I miss you. And here I was, with an hour of “found time” online! What a perfect excuse!
We got up to cruising altitude, and I fired up my laptop, all aquiver with anticipation.
My first flight with Wi-Fi!
Sort of.
I connected to the Wi-Fi, and realized I had to pay for access.
Sad. 🙁
Don’t get me wrong. Bags fly free. (Instead of for $25 like on other airlines.) And I love that. I am not complaining (too loud). So $5 for a Wi-Fi connection really isn’t all that bad. I just didn’t want to dig out my wallet and find my card info and spend five bucks for an hour.
So I wrote this post instead, and will have to wait to post it until I am back on the ground.
Ah well. Maybe now that I’m up and running, I’ll get some other posts written, too!
Liz @ Two Maids a Milking says
You were flying Southwest weren’t you?? Can’t tell I have spent a lot of time on a plane lately can you?!?
Lana says
I love seeing the ground from up that high. It really does look like a quit, God’s quilt! Enjoy!
Marybeth @ AlarmClockWars says
Ha, you guessed it, Liz! Thought about tweaking the photo so the name on the wing really stood out, but decided not to.
Lana, I have some more from-the-air photos I’ll probably post soon. Been playing with my new toy! 😉