I can’t believe there’s only one month to go before we get to meet Baby Doc! The time has been going so fast…
(Don’t mind the dust bunnies in the photo. I can’t bend down to pick them up anymore. Someday I’ll vacuum again…)
On one of my ultrasound exams, the doctors found that one of Baby Doc’s kidneys was slightly enlarged. (This totally flipped me out, because that is how Martin’s whole debacle started back in May.) We’ve been going back for more frequent ultrasound exams to keep an eye on that pesky kidney. The last one was two weeks ago, and at that point his kidney was at the high end of the normal range, but it was within normal size. So we’re just going to keep an eye on it and see if/how it changes from here. But, I’m told, nothing to worry about at this point. (Fingers crossed!)
At that ultrasound (2 weeks ago, 34 weeks pregnant), kiddo weighed in at about 6 pounds. SIX POUNDS! And he’s still growing, roughly a half pound a week! Which puts us on track to be about 7 pounds this week, and roughly 9 pounds at 40 weeks. Assuming he has read the baby books and knows what to do. (I’m betting he didn’t read the books. And that he’ll do what he darn well pleases.)
Since I’m not worrying about kidneys, I’ve been putting a lot of energy into decorating the nursery for Baby Doc! I’ve been going a little nuts working with some farm themed stencils in there… Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve been working on.
The big focal point will be this barn. (This will be right above the changing table.)
There is a small flock of sheep parading under the window. (Every time I see these sheep I can’t help but think, “Parading sheep are parading… Parading down the street… Parading sheep are parading…” Anyone know where that’s from? Or how to finish it? It makes me giggle every time. )
This is going to be my favorite corner. That’s a brand-new rocker-recliner under that plastic wrap. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) There will be a bookshelf to the right of the chair. The plastic is staying on until all the painting is done. (The last thing I need is to get paint all over my new comfy chair!) And that is encouraging me to get finished with this project… I can’t wait to kick back and relax in this amazing chair!
There isn’t much other furniture in this room just yet… We have everything ordered, and it should be here within the next two weeks. I just hope the furniture gets here before Baby Doc does!
I’ll post a big tutorial here about how to create a farm-themed nursery once I’ve got this one finished. (And there’s furniture to include in the photographs. Hopefully I’ve planned it out right!)
So… any bets? When is Baby Doc coming, and how big will he be? Let’s make it fun, shall we? I have two $10 Starbucks gift cards to giveaway – one to the person who guesses closest on the date, and one to the person who guesses closest on his weight.
Leave your guesses in the comments. I’ll announce the winners once I know who they are, and am home from the hospital (and have gotten a tiny bit of sleep).
A valid email address must be included in the comment to be eligible to win. Winner must respond via email within 48 hours of notification to claim prize. Mailing address must be within the continental United States.
{Starbucks doesn’t know who I am. They are not sponsoring this giveaway. I just love their fall drinks so much, I want to share!}
I believe baby doc will arrive on Oct.17 at a whopping 8# 1 oz. Congratulations and best wishes!!
[email protected]
I’m 36 weeks today too! We painted a barn in our nursery as well but I didn’t dare attempt animals for fear of frightening our new son with how they’d turn out. I’m going to guess Oct 12 and 8 lbs 2 oz. Good luck with everything. 🙂 [email protected]
October 23rd. 9 lbs even. [email protected]
8 pounds 1 ounce sounds sort of small at this point… I’ll take it!
My animals are all stencils… I have very limited artistic ability without them! Good luck to you, too!
Ooh… you’re guessing late… brave girl!
Halloween baby.
7Lbs, 9 oz.
I’ll make a guess! Oct 17th, 8 lbs 9 oz! With a great big head 😉
I really hope he doesn’t go to Halloween… that’s 10 extra days! (Though it would be great fun to have a Halloween baby…)
Thanks so much for your encouraging support. I’m hoping for a small head and long legs, myself. 😛
October 19th in the am so as to not let you sleep in (or at all)! 9 lbs 2.5 ozs. 24 Inches long. A relatively short labor and birth. [email protected]
oooh…This is tough! Now first things, I think that past history as shown (at least amongst the women I know) that those ultrasound guessing games at weight are usually off. Meaning, they usually are thinking the baby weighs more than he does. I’m going to say 8lbs 10ounces. And I’m really really hoping he stays in there until after my visit. I mean, it would be cool if he came while I was there, but that kind of ruins all of our relaxing girls weekend stuff we have planned. So let’s say October 18th. Because half birthday’s are fun. 😉
But really most first babies are “late”. Probably the 26th.
So sad for not being able to sleep in… Very grateful for a short labor!
So… which is your guess? You can only make one! 🙂 And while half-birthdays are fun, my sister is getting married next year on Oct 18, so I’m going to try to NOT have Baby Doc on that day. (As if I have any control over THAT!)
26th is my final answer! 🙂
Marybeth this is absolutely adorable!! Can’t wait to meet the new addition during Annual Meeting time:)
I think he will be here Oct. 14th and weigh 9 lbs., 6 oz. and hopefully it will be a short labor!
Oof… going for early AND big!
Thanks, Lourdes. I’m having fun putting the nursery together. 🙂 Let’s just hope Baby Doc stays put until it’s ready for him!
Congratulations! You look beautiful! My guess is Oct 14 and 7.26 pounds 🙂
And I’m going to add 9:20 a.m. Just for fun 😉
October 12th and 7 lbs. 10 oz. 😀 What a blessing!! [email protected]
I am not a morning person, so a morning baby would not be too much fun for me… Though I’ll take your 7.26 pounds – that’s starting to sound like a breeze! 🙂
So many people are guessing so early! I’m torn… do we want him early so he’s here (and I can stop being pregnant), or do we want him on time so I have enough time to get everything done before he gets here?
My guess is 8 pounds, 6 oz. and 39 weeks!
October 21st in the evening and weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz 😀
I’m going with October 20th…. 8 lbs 10 oz. 🙂 Can’t wait to see pictures!
You look great Marybeth, and so does the nursery! I’m guessing Oct. 25, and 9 lbs, 9 oz. (I found out the hard way that Blaser babies can run large! Max was 10 lbs, 5 oz…)
I am going with Oct 29…..8lb 8oz
Beautiful room!
October 22…….8 lbs. 8.oz
Good luck!
October 20th, 8lbs 11oz. I expect Baby Doc at our next POTL meeting 🙂
[email protected]
Love the nursery!
I’m guessing he will arrive on Oct. 23 at 9 lbs 2 oz
Thanks for the guess, Rachel. We’ve passed the “official” 39 week mark already, but you still might be right on the weight!
Picking his actual due date… not much of that going on around here! 🙂
A Sunday in labor… I guess I could probably handle that. 😉
Thanks, Sharon! Blaser, Miskovic, Feutz, and Turner (Farmer Doc’s family) babies all run large, so there was never any hope for me having a small one!
That’s late… I don’t think I want him to hang on for quite that long!!
Thanks, Lana! Great guess on 10/22… we’ll see what happens!
Maria, we won’t be at the November meeting, but we will be at the one after that! (Assuming he’s not too crazy loud…)
Thanks, Kim! I’m hoping he doesn’t stick around quite that long… though you are guessing earlier than some people on this list! Yikes!