May, that is.
Seriously? It’s the end of May already? And I’ve only blogged four times (including this post)?!
Oy. So much for weekly Remodel Mondays. Or weekly anything.
I feel like all I have been doing this month is unpacking/cleaning, finishing small projects at the house, laundry, and working on a paper I’m trying to finish up from my PhD research.
And, really, who wants to hear about any of that?
The remodel part of the house project was really neat… it was easy to photograph and to see changes from week to week. But now? Once the dresser is moved in, it’s just 7 loads of laundry, and then all the clothes are put away. Nothing to photograph except the dresser (that looks the same) and the empty boxes lying around.
Well, unless I happen to catch the laundry room in the middle of things… Load number 5 of the day is clean and folded, there’s laundry going in both the washer and dryer right now, and two more baskets of dirty clothes on the shelf. Yikes!
Why so much laundry? We’ve had a bunch of clothes and linens stored in the garage in various kinds of plastic tubs for 6 months. Technically, they’re clean, but they’re just a little bit icky. So, laundry room to the rescue!
(Oh, side note? Febreze Set & Refresh are amazing to keep the cat litter smell down in this little room. That, and Fresh Step Multi-Cat litter. The type of cat litter really does make a difference!)
We’re at the awkward stage of the home remodel where it feels like I’m putting in a lot of time and energy for not a lot of visible progress. But, when I open up that closet and see the full shelves, there’s my feeling of accomplishment! I guess.
Seriously, though, we’re to the touch-up-the-paint and treat-the-cedar-posts part of the remodel/move in. Projects that take a lot of sweat equity but really don’t photograph that well in an impressive before/after shoot.
Most days, I feel like I just want to curl up on the couch with my Kindle Fire and read. I’ll admit it… I read the entire Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. I loved it, and I hated it… I loved to hate it…
And then I did more laundry. And took a nap.
(Affiliate links were used in this post.)
I may just have to break down and read these darned books. Not sure, though, if I have the time or ENERGY to get through them all! 😉 Happily listening to the rain falling on my roof. We were in desperate times up here! It won’t totally fix the problem, but this rain might just save many a corn and bean field. Hope it keeps on coming across the state line!
We got almost a half inch of rain over the day yesterday. We could still use some more, but it’s a great start!
Marybeth Feutz
[email protected]