I’m working on a business plan. I know what I want to do, and I have a pretty good idea of how I want to do it. I don’t know what I want to call it.
My goal is to help moms understand where the food they buy for their families comes from.
I want to help address some misconceptions in agriculture. I want to help busy moms understand how food gets from the farms to their families. I want to explain the procedures used in raising animals and crops for our food. I want to talk about why things are done the way they are – with both the emotion and the science behind it.
What would you call this business?
Chime in with your suggestions. I’ve got a Starbucks gift card to give away to my favorite name!
I’ll take suggestions until Sunday (November 14) at 10:00pm Central time. I’ll pick my favorite, and post the gift card winner at 8:00pm Central time on Monday.
Give me as many options as you want… No limits!
How About:
Origin of Food
Earth to Table
And in parenthesis (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How your food gets to your table.)
I’ll write more if I come up with more 🙂
Hmmm…. I’m thinking. I’ll get back with you!
Food Train from Farm to Table
I have read more about this subject this last year then ever before This will be a good thing.
What’s in your food?
hhhmmmm….great idea! Now, for a name…
Food for Thought
The origin of dinner
um…I’ll keep thinking!
Food Chain
Thanks for all the suggestions! I’ll post the Starbucks card winner tonight.