To go along with National Novel Writing Month in November, there was also a 30 Blog Posts in 30 Days challenge.
I’m no novel writer, but I thought I would tackle the 30 Posts challenge.
The goal was to at least get drafts of 30 posts written, not necessarily to have 30 posts published to the blog.
Regardless, I didn’t make it. I got 11 done. You’ve seen 10 of them. And the 11th will be up this week.
They say that you will learn a lot about yourself by going through this exercise. I certainly did.
I learned that I love to join challenges and projects like this. I started off pretty well, writing four posts in the first week of November. (But I can do math. Four posts in 7 days will not get to 30 posts in 30 days.)
I also learned that if I don’t set up a plan, then I won’t reach the goal. A goal without a plan is just a dream. This was more of a dream for me, not so much an actual goal.
I thought I might try this again in December. Then I got hit with the reality stick. With Christmas, and traveling, and family in town, there is no realistic way I am going to get 30 blog posts written in December.
(Hey, this is a big deal for me! I love to make long lists of things I think I’m going to accomplish, and then only get halfway through the list.)
However. I will do this in January. 30 blog posts in January. A few months late for the November challenge? Yes. So what. I’m doing it anyway!
Anyone with me!
Just do what you can do in a sane, realistic world!
Good luck this weekend! I’m wondering if we could have a bloggy gathering Sat. morning some where during IFB Convention??? Like 9-11? What do you think?
I am surprised how fast time passes and I haven’t blogged. Gets to me
I’m with you! Well, in spirit anyway. I never did write a single word for my novel haha. Although I did some brainstorming last night. I came up with a new character for either a new story line or a new character in my already existing novel. So I will join you in January. You write 30 posts. I will write my novel (or a new one) and share it with you at the end of January, even if all I wrote was one line.
I will wish you luck and urge you along if you like. I actually did the NaNoWriMo this year and made it.
Though, I still don’t sleep, so I think I had an edge on that front.
But it was helpful having folks urging me on, and I’m sure folks will nudge you along now since you mentioned it.
At least, I will come Jan 1st 😉
Ah ha! Accountability! Just what I was looking for! 😉
Lana – I’d love to have a bloggy gathering, but I probably won’t be able to join. I’m the new District 9 Women’s Leader, so I think I’ll be pretty busy at the convention!
Dani – I’m looking forward to see what you write in January.
Dibble – I’d love to see what you have written already!! (And congrats on that, by the way!)
Ann – Time does definitely seem to fly, especially at this time of year!
I think january would be a great month to do it. It will be cold outside and blogging will be a good excuse to stay inside.