I photographed my first wedding last weekend! Well… it wasn’t my first wedding. It was the first wedding I photographed. It was my friends Jessie and David’s wedding.
I gave them both a big disclaimer that I am not a professional photographer (although I play one on TV), and they were not to expect “professional-quality” photographs from me.
The wedding was at the Spirit of Jasper train depot in Jasper, Indiana.
The inside of the station, and the restored train cars were absolutely beautiful! (And frankly, pretty easy to photograph!)
Once I figured out how bad the light was in that first room (and how grainy my photos were coming out), we stopped taking pictures in there. (Real pro move, right!? Now I have a little better idea of how to deal with that in the future…)
The ceremony was short and beautiful. Jessie and David wrote their own vows, and they were both touching and funny. (Just like the couple!)
David has a son from a previous marriage. He was alternately having a blast…
…Tolerating the strange lady with the camera…
…And wanting nothing to do with any of this craziness.
Kids are even harder to photograph than animals!
So while I had a good time taking these photos, and I loved being a part of Jessie’s wedding, I’m not sure that I want to do this on a regular basis. It was pretty stressful, knowing that if I wasn’t in the right place at the right time I could very well miss the shot and their memories of the day would be ruined!
Okay, maybe they wouldn’t be ruined. But maybe not what they hoped for.
Yes, I would say it’s more stressful being the photographer than being the bride. But maybe that’s just me…
How cute is that corner shot? LOVE the other ones too. Great job!
Miles wasn’t too crazy about the whole event by that time… 🙂 To be completely honest, I had a blast with this wedding!