Don’t get too many ideas… we were mostly out there on a business trip! I headed out to Las Vegas earlier this month for the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Conference. And to prove that it was business, I even sat in on a panel on using social media! So there!
But it wasn’t all business… Farmer Doc came with me (although he skipped out on most of the conference) and we had plenty of time to do some gambling sight-seeing.
Okay. We gambled, too.
We stayed in the Paris hotel. It is beautiful! The inside is decorated to look like you’re outside in the streets of Paris… It was just stunning!
Of course, we hit some of the other casinos, too. (There’s so many! How do you know which to pick? So we hit them all…) This is the big fountain in Caesar’s Palace.
Of course, we had to hit the M&M store! Farmer Doc never lets me get personalized M&Ms… He says they already have my initials on them. (My maiden name started with an “M”, too. So no personalized candies for our wedding. Boo.)
We tried to hit the Coca Cola store, but we got there sort of late and they were closed. Boo again.
We did see the pirate show at Treasure Island casino. It was… interesting… it was more like a burlesque show on pirate ships… but the big pirate ship was pretty neat.
I mean, seriously. There was a big bull skull on the front of the ship! How cool is that!
And there were some very fun water effects and pyrotechnics that happened when they sunk that ship… So overall A for effects, D for family-friendly.
On our last full day in Vegas we took a tour of the Hoover Dam. We got to go down inside the dam (yikes!) and see the power generating section. It is huge! And this was only half of it… there’s another section that looks just like this on the other side!
From the outside, the scenery is pretty spectacular.
I had a blast playing with my Verizon Wireless Samsung Galaxy Camera to get some neat panoramic shots like this one…
I used some of the built-in processing features to really bring out the colors in the rocks on this cloudy day. (Seriously – all edits automatically on the camera!)
Overall, a good trip to Vegas. I learned some things at the conference and met some great new people. I got some cool new jewelry (check back next week for more info on that), lost some money, did some fun tourist-y things, and overall had a great time. What more do you need out of a vacation?
{Thanks to Verizon Wireless for the use of the Samsung Galaxy Camera. All thought, opinions, and photographs are my own.}
Glad you had such a good time.