This is the finale of “To Catch an Herb Predator.”
Remember when I said that cats don’t like oregano and cilantro?
That’s not true.
They are equal opportunity herb-eaters.
They just hadn’t found these particular herbs yet.
Since I made that bold statement, they found them.
I woke up the other morning to a SLAM BANG CRASH!
Oh. No.
So I took a quick inventory.
Husband in the shower, no yelling. He’s probably fine.
Leo and Martin (partners in crime), were both on the bed, waiting for me to get up to feed them. Not the cause of the trouble today.
Orleans (potting soil enthusiast) was sitting on a chair right outside the bedroom. This didn’t rule him out from the trouble-making, but did make it less likely.
And then I made it to the kitchen.
When I got there, there was a cat on the counter. (Have you figured out which one yet?)
She was contentedly chomping the cilantro.
I yelled so loud, Pretzel took off. (She’s lucky I didn’t catch her.)
(Have I mentioned that she is my husband’s cat? As in, she was in the picture before I was? I think there is a bit of female rivalry going on here…)
She broke my brand new blue strawberry pot.
We are not on speaking terms right now.
I knew it! She put the cat in catty! Naughty girl!
Darn it! I hit the wrong button, and didn’t mean for this to post right away! Guess that sort of spoiled the suspense…
I think it’s all Pretzel’s fault. She’s got me gone crazy!!
Oh, such a naughty cat! That would make me so mad!