You may not have heard, but it’s been raining in the midwest for the last week. We have a little extra water.
This is the White River, about 20 minutes north of our house.Actually, this is supposed to be a cornfield, just north of the White River.
Yep, not many telephone poles in the middle of rivers.
This road goes past the cornfield/lake. Have you heard that you shouldn’t drive through high water?
This guy did. But you still shouldn’t. My little car would not have made that.
This is from south of the river. The actual river is supposed to be between the two rows of trees towards the top of the photo. I would have taken a better photo from the bridge, but there’s a lot of traffic. And not much room to stand. I didn’t want to get squished by a semi!!
This is supposed to be a soybean field, right next to our driveway. For now, our driveway is not underwater. But it won’t take much more water to get there!
John says you can tell that it is going to rain when flies cluster on the sides of buildings.
They were clustering on the side of our house tonight.
And I checked the radar. The radar said it is going to rain, too. (I don’t trust bugs. Especially for weather prediction.)
This storm started around 10:00 tonight, and is supposed to keep going all night and into tomorrow!
Ready… set… rain!
Our roads are starting to flood, and the crazy think about that is our county has NO RIVERS in it. This happened last year in June with a big rain. All of Benton County was closed because our ditches and waterways became RIVERS with no place to empty the water into. Crazy! Thank goodness we live on a ridge and most of the water trickles down. Our waterways and wascobs (sp?) are filled to the rim!
I know we need water the grow a crop and hay but this is a bit too much!!!!!!
I’m thinking about selling ‘lake front’ property! With the White River out, our view from our house looks like lake front property! We may have to plant corn with a jet ski this year!!
Stay dry everyone!
We are all about the lake front property around here! Keeping my fingers crossed that we are close to the end of this…
Hey you were snapping some pics not too far from me!!! The water on Decker Chapel Road has crept up even higher over night. I saw 2 cars and a truck drive through it last night on my way home!! Idoits! I wanted to stop and tell them they were stupid but oh well… You can’t fix stupid 🙂
Wow! I’ve seen crazy weather all over blogs lately. It makes me a little nervous living in Florida with hurricane season right around the corner.
Hope you have a great weekend. I’m a new follower 🙂