No not on our house. We just did that earlier this year!
This time it’s on our garages. (Yes, I said garages, plural. No, we don’t park vehicles in both of them. That’s a long story…)
There have been some big hail storms in our area this past summer. And the roofs (rooves? roofes? more than one roof…) on our garages got damaged. So last weekend Farmer Doc called up some friends to come help replace the roof on the smaller garage.
Before they got started on the roof project, they fixed the dusk-to-dawn light. It’s been down since the major construction started last winter, and it gets dark around here at night! We’re pretty thrilled to have some light now after sunset!
Farmer Doc and our friend Matt climbed around on the roof, taking off the old metal (that was nailed down) and putting on new metal (that they screwed down). Matt’s dad, Roy, supervised from the ground, cut things that needed to be cut, and handed things up to the boys on the roof.
Here’s why the guys could walk on the old metal and not fall off the roof – plenty of pock-marks for good traction!
On Sunday, they got half of this building finished. Now it’s bright and shiny!
Then it started to rain. Even though Matt and Roy couldn’t be in the fields harvesting their corn and soybeans because it was too wet, they also couldn’t be working on the roof here. First, because Farmer Doc was working. Second, because you shouldn’t climb around on a metal roof in the rain.
Here’s the other side of the building… It still needs the roof replaced.
Doesn’t look so bad? Check out the close up… Ugly pock-marks and hail damage.
After the small garage is done, there’s still a big project left to do. The big garage. Not only is this puppy big square footage-wise, it’s pretty dang tall.
And there’s a hill that drops off behind the garage. Which means there’s a long way to fall… I’m not sure if I should not be around so I don’t have to worry about the guys falling off the roof, or if I should stick close so I can call 911…
Once the roofs are finished, then the landscaping fun can start… Yay farm projects!
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